Thursday, August 9, 2007

Actions speak louder

"what is past is prologue"
-William Shakespeare

The attitude of the American people has always been one of hope. A hope that the rays that illuminate us tomorrow will shine greater than those of today. Even with the great tides of apathy that have consumed many in the latter part of the previous century, we still believe America is great and will retain it's greatness. So it was with Rome, their hubris exceeded their reason and effort. Theirs was an ignominious conclusion. Let us not follow their example, but rather give energy to that American optimism. It is the same optimism that energized the founders and gave courage to the countless huddled masses who yearned to breath in liberty upon this free nation. In both cases, their hope alone failed to produce a nation conceived in liberty. Their efforts upon that optimism, built this great nation. That is the example we must emulate, action.

We the people formed this great nation, not a single leader or a small conglomerate of the elite. Jefferson's intellect and Washington's leadership were hollow without the musket and ball of the minuteman. We the people. The masses united but fierce in independence, create the unique paradox that is America. We the ordinary citizens stand as the ones responsible for the destiny of this country. Some where along the way we allowed our government to swell to large and permitted lobbyists to convince us that the decisions are better left with them. They effectively brainwashed us to think that the individual has no real power. He simply has a vote which is little more than a quaint tradition. Money is the new substance of the election. The truth is quite different. People still posses power as long as they act.

This is not a pleasant fiction spun by idealists and dreamers; it is quickly becoming reality. We all know of the up coming election. Many of us are already disenchanted. Money, as always, seems to be the power behind the candidate. Those with deep pockets or individuals who appeal with those who posses them seem to glide forward in the polls. The apathy once again strikes us, emasculating our wills and lulling us into that familiar state of helplessness. Not so for everyone. A group of passionate supporters have decided to fight fire with fire.

On the 5th of November Congressman Ron Paul received around 5 million dollars in donations toward his campaign. The interesting thing to note about the money raised is that it came mostly from individuals. Unions, special interest groups, Hollywood and the powerful elite failed to make the list. You can guess who they like. Congressman Paul is perceived as a fringe candidate with unorthodox views. Clearly those perceptions aren't being created from the vox populi, but from other source. It seems as though people are raising their voice in the form of green backs if that's what the occasion calls for.

These actions strike back at the jeers that challenge our individual strength. You may not agree with Congressman Paul's politics or platform, but he clearly has inspired many to shake of apathetic feelings and act. That action is what is required to restore our power as a people. I heartily endorse him, and believe he would do this nation much good. I don't expect anyone to blindly follow my views, but to carefully study the issues. Act with reason and logic, not fear and emotionalism. Let's not follow the cycles set forth by the empires of the past. We cannot afford to let a chosen few decide the fate of our nation and let them weaken it through pride and corruption. Don't take my word for it, open a history book and act.


Unknown said...

This was beautiful, honey! I loved eet.

gokiburijin said...

well said.